How I got into Asian BL (Boys Love) – I Blame Chai Jidan Jiějiě

Okay, so if you have been following my blog, you already know that I am fascinated with MenxMen relationships. However, my tastes had always inclined towards tall and handsome, manly men of American or European origins. I also very rarely opted to watch teen dramas because I don’t actually enjoy that whole first-crush/love lovey-dovey thing. Surprisingly, I found myself enjoying Fosters quite a bit, until Connor left the show. But then Fosters is not the typical teenage drama as it has many other complex plots and overtones. Anyway, we shall go into that some other time. So where was I? Yes, my love for Asian BL and how I turned into a full-fledged fujushi.

Over the years I have watched many American and European movies and dramas with gay themes but my love for Asian BL has been fairly recent. I might have been slightly late to this party, but I’m so glad I made it. Or else I would have missed out on so much fun.

do-comeco-ao-fim-e-o-amor.htmlAs I said earlier, I have always enjoyed watching strong manly men who can be called either handsome or beautiful. Some of my all-time favorite series and movies include Queer As Folk, Shelter, Brokeback Mountain, Manuel & Lalo storyline from ‘Botineras’, Do Começo ao Fim (From Beginning To End) and many more. So basically my taste hardly ever ran into total teenage love stories. Nevertheless, I knew that there was an Asian BL hype going on, it was not like I was totally unaware of it. But it never interested me, especially when I read the names of the pairs. I mean, Gu &Yinzi, Book & Frame, Pick & Rome, Korn & Knock, Noh & Phun, Chi and Wu.. for a person who in unfamiliar with Thai and Chinese names and culture these pairings just didn’t make sense. Wayo & Phana and Kongpob & Arthit at least seemed better.


However, all this changed when I stumbled upon the awesome ‘Addicted – Heroine’. And I everyone will agree it was the best place to start as it pulled me in fast and hard. I always pictured Asian guys to be petite and thin, almost boyish. Oh man, talk about misconceptions. Asian guys may be of smaller stature but they are definitely no less handsome. In fact, many of them exude rugged handsomeness that can’t be ignored. Also many are sweet and cute and it surprised me how much I like all adorable fluffiness. Then I found Counterattack and that was it. I became a fujushi. I can still not get over Chi and Wu and Dayu and Qing and their whole chemistry.

Now there was no stopping me, of course. I am now not only into these series and related books but I am constantly searching for fanfictions of any pairing that I am in the mood for. I must have watched all Thai and Chinese BL dramas at least twice if not more times. I am keeping an eye on all the upcoming series and I even know the ids of the amazing subbers. It’s amazing how quickly I got into all this and how quickly I became so used to this that I ended up watching entire dramas without subs and follow it just fine. When there is nothing new to watch, which does happen from time to time, I go back to some of my favorite Chinese or Thai BL dramas and just enjoy. So basically, I am full on into this world and I can’t wait for more.

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